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21 Day Metabolic Reboot
Why is the 21-day program so effective and successful?

When you join Life Wellness Lab, you can expect to experience transformative results in your health, wellness, and overall sense of well-being. 


You will learn how to nourish your body with the right foods and supplements, as well as how to manage stress and improve your sleep quality. Our approach is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a customized program that takes into account your unique needs and goals.


As a result of working with us, you can expect to experience increased energy, improved mood, weight loss, reduced inflammation, improved sleep, and enhanced mental clarity. You will also have the tools and knowledge to maintain your newfound sense of health and wellness for the rest of your life.


At Life Wellness Lab, we believe that you don't have to suffer through midlife or settle for feeling less than your best. We are here to walk with you every step of the way toward achieving optimal health and vitality.​


Why This Phase Matters: 

Our goal in this phase is to initiate autophagy, a critical process for becoming metabolically fit and fat-adaptive. Autophagy is your body's natural detoxification method. It works by recycling old, damaged cells and replacing them with new, healthy ones. This process is essential for reducing pain, increasing energy, losing fat, and improving mental clarity.


It’s crucial for our bodies to have metabolic flexibility, which means being able to switch between different fuel sources, such as glucose and fat, efficiently. By accessing fat as a primary fuel source, we not only support sustained energy levels but also promote brain health and repair. This metabolic flexibility allows our bodies to use stored fat for energy, which can be particularly beneficial during periods of fasting or low carbohydrate intake. This shift from relying predominantly on glucose to utilizing fats helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing inflammation, contributing to overall well-being.


Moreover, this phase of our program continues our gut-healing journey. A healthy gut is foundational to overall health, influencing everything from digestion and immunity to mood and cognitive function. As we clean up our cells and support autophagy, we also enhance the health of our gut lining. This helps in reducing gut inflammation and supports a balanced microbiome, both of which are essential for nutrient absorption and immune function. By promoting gut health, we set the stage for better digestion, improved mood, and more robust immunity.

1.  Mastering Your Blood Sugar & Ketone Levels
2.  Metabolic Flexibility (Being Able To Burn Both Sugar & Fat For Energy)
3.  Fasting


Different Dietary Variations And Fasting Styles Will Reset Your Hormone Balance, Work To Help You Lose Excess Weight, Support Your Ability To Detox, And Bring You Closer To Your Own Beautiful Essence.

In this program, you will get:

Program Guidebook Food Education to Support Varying Therapeutic Diet & Fasting Styles to initiate Autophagy

Learning Course Platform

Meal Plans and Recipes

Supplement Plan to Support Detox

Zoom Kick-Off Meeting, followed by Weekly Group Zoom Sessions

Email and Text Support

Community Support

Maintenance Options to Keep You on Track

A LOT of Support and Education to Transform your life!

Blood sugar dysregulation and inflammation SLOW down your metabolism.

Life Wellness Lab focuses on the root cause of weight loss resistance.

The Total Body Metabolic Reboot

The step-by-step total metabolic reboot is designed to jump-start your metabolism by focusing on the root cause of weight gain for long-term weight loss (and so many more health benefits).

  • The natural effect of Life Wellness Lab’s programs is to lose weight at an average of ½-1lb per day. See relief from pain, gain more energy, clear brain fog, and experience a good night's sleep and long-lasting results.

  • Studies show inflammation is the #1 Reason people can't lose weight

  • Hormonal Balance by tapping into your body's natural ability to produce and regulate hormones while improving hormone receptor sensitivity.

Next Reboot Group Launch
Join us for the upcoming Reboot journey!
September 3rd, 2024 
at 5pm

Discount of $100

Fish Dish
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